This is a post written a good while after the Amsterdam Lights Festival in 2017…during this time I lost a hard drive with lots of photos unfortunately…including my raw images from Amsterdam and more. But…I found some jpegs that somehow I haven’t lost so I was remembering those times, me trying to get good images as I was in my early days with photography.
Every December and January Amsterdam is the scene of the Lights Festival.
I had the chance to walk around one December evening in 2017. Was the 6th edition of the Amsterdam Lights Festival and the theme was “existential” with a route on land and one on the canals for the art installations.
By looking at my photos I remember the feeling of being there, which I like now. I miss winter (yes…I know…weird me).

Among the photos with the festival lights, I have also a few photos of the streets decorated for Christmas, I really love Christmas lights…just do…and fairy lights. For example, this image, is it for me the feeling of being there. I have spent quite some time in the Netherlands between 2017 and 2019, mostly in Utrecht, but have been to Amsterdam a few times, this particular half day walk I will always remember.
Back to the lights, I didn’t think there was something oh so impressive but…all together gave the city an amazing feeling. Also the fact that they made the canals part of it, the iconic canals, I thought was the perfect idea. The route on the water side was marked by this thin line installation, which covered 6.5km and represented a border. You can see it quite well in some of the images.
Furthermore, if you are an artist you can submit ideas for the next edition of the Amsterdam Lights Festival, or you can work with them.
One day maybe I will be back there…
Finally, I will end it with some Christmas decoration…!!!
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