This is Peachy, our hamster. This silhouette image was taken a few months ago. I thought his years look so cute.

After the summer when we were away, I never saw his ears up like this again. I noticed he was skinnier and he was sleeping more. But we would take him out to make him move more. Even if he was taken care while we were away he didn’t move that much as when Ana would pick him up every day and make him walk in her lego houses, on the bed or just in her hands.

His ears were down, I could feel his bones, he slept all time time. I know he gotten older because he was almost 2 years old and that is something for a hamster plus in the last 6 months his fur got much more grey.

Since the beginning of September until the 22nd, the autumn equinox, he deteriorated more and more. He could barely walk and eat. We hand fed him soft food. Sunday I fed him in the morning but I noticed that the previous food was still in his cheeks…his body felt different, colder…

Monday morning only his body was there. I dreamt of him that night, all the time. That Equinox SundayI even made a drawing with him in a pumpkin with a candle…

It was excruciating for Ana but also a lesson in life.

Peachy will always be in our memory, he was amazing as a pet, so kind, inquisitive, falling asleep next to us, sharing food together.